Wieliczka salt mine - chapel

220 PLN

Below the view signatures , beneath them this title : CHAPELLE | a 500 pieds-sous terre creusee dans le sol. | (Vieliska)

In the left corner sketcher's signature: Ed de Montule del.
In the middle signature of  lithographic workshop: Lith de Langlume
In the right corner lithographer's signature: Brocas lith
Above the print in the right corner, plate number: Pl. 27.

View at a shrine/chapel in the Wieliczka salt mine. Original lithography printed as an illustration to book by Edouard de Montule titled Voyage en Angleterre et en Russie pendant les années 1821, 1822 et 1823 published by Arthus Bertrand in Paris in 1825.

Oryginalna litografia, XIX w.
Wymiar grafiki 25 x 15,8 cm .

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