About us
Warszawski Antykwariat Naukowy KOSMOS (shortly WAN KOSMOS - Warsaw Antique Shop KOSMOS) is a family business. Before 1990 the shop belonged to state-owned chain of bookstores and antique shops "Dom Książki" (name means : the house of books). In 1990 Adam Jakimiak, who managed the WAN KOSMOS, decided that only in his private hands the shop may survive on emerging polish free market and bought it from the "Dom Książki". Since the privatization the specialization hasn't changed, it's still the only antique shop in Poland that deals with old newspapers(mostly pre-WW2), maps(especially of Poland), engravings in such extent, no other shop in Poland has such large stock of that items.
Three of us are certified members of Stowarzyszenie Księgarzy Polskich (Associaction of Polish Book Dealers). Upon request we write certificates of authenticy for products from our shop.
Since 1990 we have helped to decorate many mansions, houses, flats, offices or public institutions. There is no better place to find original, not necessarily expensive, gifts for different occasions. Nice XIXth century prints may cost about 100 PLN, sometimes even a dozen or so.
Customers, who would like to collect maps or prints, are offered assistance in developing their collection.
Our stock is enormous, so if You wanted to find a gift, newspaper, engraving i advise You to make inital plans what to look for. It'll narrow the search area and make it eassier and faster to find something interesting. At any moment it's possible to change area of interests if something else cought Your attention.
We invite You to our shop, the photographs of our items can't show their all values!
Jakub Jakimiak
Natalia Jakimiak
Beata Zahorska
Katarzyna Ogrodnik