Wall map of the World by Delamarche

16600 PLN

MAPPE MONDE ou OU CARTE GENERALE DU GLOBE TERRESTRE dessinee suivant les regles de la Projection des Cartes reduites. Par ROBERT DE VAUGONDY Geeographe ; Corrigee et augmentee des decouvertes du Cap? Cook et des ses trois voyages; de celles de la Perouse en 1801; de Vancouver, de Mackensie en 1802; auxquelles est ajoutee tout ce qui a ete deecouvert dans la Mer du Sud, d'apres la Carte du Grand Ocean, entre l'Asie et L'Amerique Par Delamarche, Geographe.

PARIS Rue de Jardinet No. 13, vis-a-vis celle d l'Eperon.1804

Below the cartouche its author's signature: Arrivet inv. & Sculp.

In lower left corner, below the map, map engraver's signature: Grave par. E. Dussy

In lower left part of the map - note by Delamarche dscribing updates from year 1786 with a legend.

Rare wall map of the world. First published by Robert de Vaugodny in the mid XVIIIth century, here in its later state dated 1804 published by Charles - Francois Delamarche.

Original copperplate engraving, printed on 4 sheets, joined together, outilne color after restoration.

Size : 97,5 x 111,5 cm.

Condition: as for a map of such size, quite good condition. Without backing, just original sheets. Few larger tears, and some minor ones as well(withut loss of printed area), Folds and paper squeezes. Visible waterstained areas(and discoloration), Short margins on left and right side(small part added).

Stan - jak na mapę ścienną w całkiem dobrym stanie. Słabo widoczne ślady po zaciekach, trochę odbarwień papieru, kilka większych i mniejszych przedarć papieru (podklejone), liczne zagięcia. Wąskie boczne marginesy, miejscami uzupełnione.

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