Prussia - Himann Heirs, after 1750.


REGNUM | BORUSSIAE | Gloriosis auspicys Serenissimi e Potentissimi Princip | FRIDERICI III. | PRIMI BORUSSIAE REGIS , MARCH. ET ELECT. BRANDENBURG | inauguratum die 18. Jan. A 1701 | Geographice cum vicinis Regionibus adumbratum | a | IOH. BAPTISTA HOMANNO | Norimbergae

Map published by the Homann Heirs publishing house in Nuremberg, ca 1753 , used to illustrate their atlasses published in the IInd half of the XVIIIth century.
Map size: 48,1 x 56,6 cm.

Jaeger E., Prussia-Karten 1542-1810, pos. 101 or 102

price upon request

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