Franz - Joseph of Austria on hunt in Blankenburg
1500 PLN
Very decorative hunting scene, compostiion of few scenes on one sheet.
Title in the middle, at the bottom of print: Kaiʃer Jagd | zu | Blankenburg | am | Harz | 1871
In the lower left corner engraver's signature: E.H.X.A.
Below the print in the right corner, sketcher's signature: Franz. Schulz.
Emperor Franz-Joseph of Austria on a hunt in Blankenburg (Saxen-Anhalt, Harz region).
Original wood-engraving, recently handocloured, illustration comes from weekly magazine titled Über Land und Meer . Allgemeine Illustrierte Zeitung published in Stutgart in 1872.
Print size 30,8 x 50,6 cm, framed ( 53 x 73 cm ).