Divci Hrad in teh Czech Republic

166 PLN


Below the view, in the left corner, sketcher's signature: Gez. v. Th. Blätterbauer
Below the view in the middle, publisher's note: Verlag v. C. Fleming in Glogau.
Below the view in the right corner, engraver's signature: Gest. v. Huber.

View at a town Divči Hrad at Lower Silesia (Czech Republic, Olomuc region, Bruntal district), comes from a book Eine Schilderung des Schlesierlandes von Dr. Franz Schroller , published by Carl  Fleming, Glogau, ca 1885.

Original steel-engraving, XIX cent.
Print size: 10,7 x 15,2 cm (with passe-partout: 26,1 x 30 cm)
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