Artois in North France by Lotter
528 PLN
ARTESIA cum finitimis locis velut SEDES AC THEATRUM BELLI curioſis Spectratoribus ob oculos poſitum et ad nor=mam Guilielmi de l'Isle celeberrimi Reg: Gal. Geogr. repraeſentatum excuſum et ve= num expoſitum a TOB.CONR.LOTTER.GEOGR. AUGUSTAE VIDELIC.
Above the cartouche privilege: De Gratia et Privil. S.R.I. Vicariatq. In part. Rheni, Sveviae, et Juris Francon.
In lower left part of the map engraver's signature: Author ʃculp. exc: Augʃburg
Map of Artois (nowadays Nord-Pas-de-Calais) engraver and first issued by M. Seutter in the first half of the XVIIIth century. After Seutter's death in 1757 T.C. Lotter(171701777) lead the publishing house and added own note to Seutter's maps.
Original copperplate engraving, contemporary handcolor.
Map size : 48,7 x 57,3 cm .
Very good condition: map bit dirty visible centerfold